mod. ECC-700 Carpet carving machine with standard blade #4017
Air-driven carpet carver comes with standard blade #4017 and one extra blade (#4017) and all necessary air fittings packed in a carrying case.
*Lightweight yet powerful.
*Suitable for production-line use.
*Easy to maintain.
*Low vibration.
*Create any carved rug design easily.
*Air filter & air gauge regulator.
*Air braid hose.
*Air pressure gauge reading : 0~10 kg/cm²/0~160 PSI
*Air comsurption : 60 PSI or 4 kg/cm²
Blade width 5mm (#4003) option
Blade width 10mm (#4005) option
Blade width 15mm (#4007) option
Blade width 20mm (#4009) option
Blade width 25mm (#4011) .option
Blade width 30mm (#4013) option
Blade width 40mm (#4017) standard
Blade width (#1230) option
carver weight : 700 grams
Packing: 3.0kgs/2.2kgs (G.W./N.W.) each
unitin a carrying case. 5 units/Shipping carton 16kgs/15kgs (G.W./N.W.) Measurement : 32x37x8.5cm